Favorite Cookies – Round Two

So many great cookies and we can only vote for half of them!

Almost 25% of the matchups in Round One were very close:

  • Pfeffernusse over Speculaas by 1 vote!
  • Pecan Crescents over Macaroons by 1 vote!
  • Mint Chocolate Chip over Pizzelles by 2 votes
  • Lemon over Oatmeal Raisin by 3 votes
  • M&M Cookies over Gingerbread by 4 votes
  • Spritz over Iced Oatmeal by 5 votes
  • Butterscotch Chip over Kolaches by 5 votes

Vote now in Round Two!

The deadline is Tuesday evening, September 26.

Click to see the results from Round 1 or use the PDF below