Favorite Snickers Commercials – Round Two

For Round Two of our Favorite Snickers Commercials, I’ve added pictures from each commercial along with the links to the videos. Plus this YouTube playlist of all 64 commercials.

Several were very close in the first round:

  • Biggest SUV over Wrong Face Paint by 1 vote!
  • Satisfies You over Voting Booth by 1 vote!
  • Kaiju over Leisure Suit by 1 vote!
  • Marilyn Dafoe over Divas by 2 votes
  • Joker over Rap Battle by 2 votes
  • Ric Flair over JamBoogie Johnny by 2 votes
  • Oldest One over Gladiators by 2 votes

Vote now in Round Two!

The deadline is Sunday evening, May 12.

Click to view the results from Round 1 or use the PDF below