Favorite Sharks – Final Round
We’re down to the last two sharks! The biggest shark and one of the smallest! And they both had solid wins in the Semifinals. Vote now in the Final Round! The deadline is Thursday evening, September 21.
Vote for your favorites in a bracket-style contest
We’re down to the last two sharks! The biggest shark and one of the smallest! And they both had solid wins in the Semifinals. Vote now in the Final Round! The deadline is Thursday evening, September 21.
We’re down to just four sharks. Two are large and two are small. Vote now in the Semifinal Round! The deadline is Tuesday evening, September 19.
We’re down to just 8 sharks remaining and the matchups are getting closer! Vote now in the Quarterfinal Round! The deadline is Sunday evening, September 17.
We’re down to just 16 sharks! Many of the “normal”-looking sharks are gone already. Here are the closest matchups from Round Two: Vote now in Round Three! The deadline is Thursday evening, September 14.
Round Two means we’re down to half the sharks we started with! While most were solid winners, there were a few that were kind of close: Vote now in Round Two! The deadline is Tuesday evening, September 12.
Our next voting topic is Favorite Sharks! Sharks all belong to the Class Chondrichthyes which identifies them as cartilaginous fish, fish whose internal skeletons are comprised of flexible cartilage rather than bone. There are over 500 different species of shark. I’ve picked […]
The winner of Favorite Farm Animal is: Cow!! Thanks to everyone who voted. Below is a list of the favorite farm animals ranked based on your voting in this bracket, followed by the complete bracket in JPG and PDF with […]
Only 2 farm animals remain. Which will be the winner, Cow or Sheep? Vote now in the Final Round! The deadline is Tuesday evening, May 16.
With such a small bracket, we’re only in the 2nd round, but it’s the Quarterfinals! We did have a couple close votes in the first round: Dog and Horse were the biggest winners. Vote now in the Quarterfinal Round! The […]
Here is a small bracket. Only 16 choices in the first round. It’s Favorite Farm Animals! We have 16 stereotypical farm animals in this bracket. We decided not to include exotic animals and we voted to spread them around the […]