Favorite Alan Rickman Roles – Round Two
We have 16 Alan Rickman roles left in our bracket. The only close vote in the first round was: Vote now in Round Two! The deadline is Tuesday evening, March 19.
Vote for your favorites in a bracket-style contest
We have 16 Alan Rickman roles left in our bracket. The only close vote in the first round was: Vote now in Round Two! The deadline is Tuesday evening, March 19.
Today we begin voting on our favorite Alan Rickman roles. Alan Rickman was a fabulous actor and he played many disparate roles. We’re not voting for how much we like the movies, but how much we like his acting in […]
The winner of Favorite Romantic Movie is: The Princess Bride! Remember, this wasn’t about the “most romantic” movies, but your favorite movies from those listed in this genre. Thanks to everyone who voted. Below is a list of the top […]
Only 2 romantic movies remain! Will Casablanca or The Princess Bride be the final winner? In the semifinals: Vote now in the Final Round! The deadline is Thursday evening, February 15.
We started with 128 and now we’re down to the final 4 Romantic Movies in our bracket. They all had pretty solid wins in the last round. Here are their scores, in order of how close they were, as usual: […]
Only 8 Romantic Movies remain, down from the original 128 in this double bracket! The only really close matchup in the previous round was Singin’ in the Rain beating Sleepless in Seattle by one vote! The rest were very solid […]
We’re down to the Sweet Sixteen of Romantic Movies! And we still have some old ones and new ones. The closest matchups in the third round were: Vote now in Round Four! The deadline is Thursday evening, February 8.
Round Three of our double bracket of Favorite Romantic Movies means only 32 remain! The closest matchups from Round Two were: Vote now in Round Three! The deadline is Tuesday evening, February 6.
We’re now in Round Two of the DOUBLE bracket of our Favorite Romantic Movies. So it’s the size of a regular bracket now. Here are the closest results from the first round: Vote now in Round Two! The deadline is […]
Leading up to Valentine’s Day, we have a DOUBLE bracket of our Favorite Romantic Movies. This includes all kinds of subgenres like Rom-Coms, Dramas, Historical, etc., and I seeded the bracket from my compilation list of “Best Romance Movies of […]