Favorite Fall Activities – Semifinals
Only 4 fall activities remain, and they all won by 2-to-1 margins in the last round. Vote now in the Semifinal round! The deadline is Tuesday evening, October 17.
Vote for your favorites in a bracket-style contest
Only 4 fall activities remain, and they all won by 2-to-1 margins in the last round. Vote now in the Semifinal round! The deadline is Tuesday evening, October 17.
We’re down to the top two fall activities in each division! And we did have a couple close matchups in Round 3 to get us here: Vote now in the Quarterfinal Round! The deadline is Sunday evening, October 15.
We’re down to just 16 fall activities already! All of these activities are great and most have had at least 1/3 of the votes, so plenty of people enjoy doing them. The closest matchups in Round Two were: That’s two […]
Round Two of our Favorite Fall Activities sees the elimination of most of the scary elements around Halloween. Most apple things are gone, too, but wearing, eating, and baking things seem to have done well. Here are the closest matchups […]
Our next topic is Favorite Fall Activities. Fall is the favorite season of many people and there are lots of things to do during this season. I used the requests from our Facebook group and filled in the gaps with suggestions […]
And the winner is: IT’S THE GREAT PUMPKIN, CHARLIE BROWN! Thanks to everyone who voted. This was an interesting experiment with so many mismatched choices that still shared a common theme. Here are the top results: It’s the Great Pumpkin, […]
It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown beat Pumpkin Pie with 58% of the vote, so we’re down to that classic TV special vs. Jack-o’-Lanterns. Which will be the overall favorite? Vote now in the Championship Round! The deadline is Sunday […]
Only ONE food item is in the Final Four! And we finally had a close contest, with the book The Biggest Pumpkin Ever beating Ben & Jerry’s Pumpkin Cheesecake Ice Cream by JUST ONE VOTE! 🙂 Pumpkin Pie took out […]
We’re down to the top 8 favorite pumpkin things. All the Sweet Sixteen contests were won solidly, with the strongest wins continuing to be from Pumpkin Pie and It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. No real surprise there. You can […]
Still a nice selection of non-food items for those who don’t eat pumpkin stuff. There was nothing particularly super-close in Round Two results, just like in Round One. Vote now in the Sweet Sixteen Round. The deadline for voting is […]