Round Two is done and we’re moving on to Round Three. Here are some of the close contests from Round Two:
- Phineas & Ferb beat WInnie the Pooh by 1 vote
- Fairly OddParents beat Spongebob Squarepants by 2 votes
- Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends beat CatDog by 2 votes
- Laff-A-Lympics beat Speed Buggy by 5 votes
Between the first two rounds, it seems the closest contests have been between the newer shows, while the older cartoons tend to have larger gaps, as if time has solidified people’s opinions and brought the better shows to more popular acknowledgement.
There were also several blowouts, similar to what happened in Round One:
- Scooby Doo beat Betty Boop 79 to 4
- Looney Tunes beat Heckle & Jeckle 79 to 4
- Super Friends beat Thundarr the Barbarian 69 to 9
Vote in Round Three now! The deadline is Thursday night, May 9.