Favorite Composers – Round One

Next we have a megabracket – 256 initial choices – for voting on our favorite “classical” composers. I mean “classical” as the generic term for music written for orchestras, ensembles, etc., rather than composers of music in the “classical” style or period.

This list is mostly taken from my conglomerate list at https://www.listobsession.com/best-composers/

If you are unfamiliar with any composer, you are encouraged to google them or look them up on YouTube to hear some of their music. You can also wait a couple rounds if most are unfamiliar. If it’s too huge and you need to vote half now and half later, that’s fine. Just try not to double-enter any votes.

Vote now in Round One!

The deadline is Sunday evening, December 31.

Click to view the original bracket or use the PDF below