Favorite Tom Hanks Movies – Quarterfinals

We’re down to the 8 most popular movies that have Tom Hanks as an actor in them.

  • Polar Express beat Road to Perdition by 5 votes
  • Saving Private Ryan beat Big by 7 votes
  • Philadelphia beat Catch Me If You Can by 7 votes
  • Green Mile beat Mr. Rogers by 16 votes
  • Toy Story beat Cast Away by 17 votes
  • Toy Story 3 beat Bridge of Spies by 21 votes
  • A League of Their Own beat You’ve Got Mail by 44 votes
  • Forrest Gump beat Sully by 58 votes

Vote now in the Quarterfinal Round!

The deadline is Sunday evening, September 3.

Click to view the results from the first 3 rounds or use the PDF below