Favorite Crayon Colors – Semifinals
We now have a winner in each division. Now those four will face off in the semifinals! Here are their scores from the last round: Vote now in the Semifinal Round! The deadline is Tuesday evening, December 12.
Vote for your favorites in a bracket-style contest
We now have a winner in each division. Now those four will face off in the semifinals! Here are their scores from the last round: Vote now in the Semifinal Round! The deadline is Tuesday evening, December 12.
Only 2 crayon colors are left in each division. A couple of them had pretty slim victories in the last round, while the rest had solid wins. Vote now in the Quarterfinal Round! The deadline is Sunday evening, December 10.
Only 16 colors are left! And they’re getting less similar, so this should get interesting. Only a few of these matchups were very close in the second round: Vote now in Round Three! The deadline is Thursday evening, December 7.
Round One is done and it appears that the darker or richer colors were almost always the favorites. That will be less of an effect as we move forward and the colors get more different. We only had a couple […]
Back in 2018 we voted on our favorite Crayola crayon colors. The student workers in my library have requested a repeat, since none of them were around then. The Crayola crayon box with the sharpener built in has 64 crayons […]
Our bracket of Favorite Thanksgiving Foods ends with the winners of each division coming together to make the “ideal Thanksgiving dinner.” The winners were: Roast Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Homemade Cranberry Sauce, & Pumpkin Pie Thanks to everyone who voted. Below […]
This is the last round for this topic. We’ll conclude with the winner of each of the four divisions — Main Dishes, Side Dishes, Salads, and Desserts — representing the ideal Thanksgiving meal. In the previous round, they were all […]
Round Three of our bracket of favorite Thanksgiving foods means only 16 are left. Four in each division. Several matchups were very close, but not in the Main Dishes division: Vote now in Round Three! The deadline is Tuesday evening, […]
Our bracket of favorite Thanksgiving foods continues. There were quite a few close matchups in the first round: Vote now in Round Two! The deadline is Sunday evening, November 26.
Five years ago we voted on our Favorite Thanksgiving Dinner Dishes. It was our second voting topic ever. The four divisions were Main Dishes, Side Dishes, Salads, and Desserts. Instead of going all the way to #1, we ended it […]