Favorite Comfort Foods – Round One

Our next topic for our voting brackets is Favorite Comfort Foods! And there were so many requests that I’ve made a DOUBLE bracket, with 128 initial entries.

IMPORTANT: As I always recommend for food-based brackets, when voting, assume that each dish was made the way YOU like it. If you have certain favorite ingredients or combinations or ways of cooking the dish, or prefer vegetarian or some other variant, assume that it was made that way, regardless of what the picture looks like.

The four divisions are:
1 – Meat, Rice, & Pasta
2 – Snacks, Sides, & Misc.
3 – Breakfast & Sandwichy
4 – Desserts

We will start new rounds every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until we’re done.


Vote now in Round One. The deadline is Tuesday, May 12.

Click to view the original blank brackets or use the Download link to get the PDF