Favorite Foods to Grill – FINAL RESULTS

The winner of Favorite Foods to Grill is: Burgers!

Burgers beat Steaks 43 votes to 34 votes

Thanks to everyone who voted in this bracket. Below is a ranked list of the top favorites based on their arrangement in this bracket and your voting, followed by the complete bracket in JPG and PDF with all the voting numbers.

  1. Hamburgers/Cheeseburgers
  2. Steak
  3. Chicken
  4. Hot Dogs
  5. Steak Kebabs
  6. Brisket
  7. Italian Sausage
  8. Corn on the Cob
  9. Pork Ribs
  10. Bratwurst
  11. Beef Ribs
  12. Pineapple
  13. Trout
  14. Mahi-Mahi
  15. Pork Chops
  16. Chilean Sea Bass
  17. Pizza
  18. Mushroom Skewers
  19. Salmon
  20. Asparagus
Click to see all the voting numbers or use the PDF below