Favorite Ocean Fishes – FINAL RESULTS

The winner of Favorite Ocean Fish is: Seahorse!

Thanks to everyone who voted. Below is a ranked list of the favorite fish based on your voting, followed by the full bracket with all the voting numbers.

  1. Seahorse
  2. Blue Tang
  3. Manta Ray
  4. Moorish Idol
  5. Sea Robin
  6. Porcupinefish
  7. Sawfish
  8. Swordfish
  9. Parrotfish
  10. Stonefish
  11. Bluehead Wrasse
  12. Lionfish
  13. Moray Eel
  14. Flying Fish
  15. Ocean Sunfish
  16. Mahi Mahi
  17. Mackerel
  18. Anglerfish
  19. Napoleon Wrasse
  20. Banded Butterflyfish
Click to see all the results from this full bracket or use the PDF below