Favorite Paintings – Round One

This is a megabracket (64 in each division for 256 total) of paintings from throughout history and around the world. The focus is on paintings, not lithographs, pencil drawing, etc.

Many of the images used in this bracket are taken from museums, websites dedicated to that artist, or the Wikimedia Commons. I’ve tried to be as true to the original as possible with regard to color and lighting, since all kinds of variations are findable online.

I’ve resized them all, so if you need to see more detail, please Google the name of the painting.

The divisions are arranged by date, with the 64 oldest in the first division, etc., and then seeded by date, too, so there aren’t any matchups in the first round of the same artist or same year. The Divisions are:

  1. Ancient – 1699
  2. 1700 – 1879
  3. 1880 – 1929
  4. 1929 – present

If you find some pictures you like, I encourage you to look them up online and find out more about the painting and the artist. I’m hoping that some of you discover that you like a particular style of painting that you didn’t really know you liked.

Vote now in Round One! The deadline is Tuesday evening, April 6.

Click to view the original empty bracket, or use the link below to get the PDF version