Favorite Scary Movies – Round Two

Some interesting results in the first round. Many of the top-seeded “Best Horror Movies” did win, but there were some exceptions and some close results. The closest were:

  • The Thing over Bram Stoker’s Dracula by 1 vote!
  • Train to Busan over Eraserhead by 1 vote!
  • The Host (2006) over Re-Animator by 1 vote!
  • The Babadook over Paranormal Activity by 2 votes
  • Darkness Falls over Suspiria by 3 votes
  • The Innocents over Hour of the Wolf by 3 votes
  • Aliens over Misery by 5 votes
  • Candyman over It Follows by 5 votes
  • Midsommar over Don’t Look Now by 5 votes
  • What Ever Happened to Baby Jane by 5 votes

Lower-ranked movies that beat Top 5 seeds include:

  • Zombieland over The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
  • Midsommar over Don’t Look Now

Vote now in Round Two! The deadline is Tuesday evening, October 27.

Click to view the results from Round One or use the Download button to get the PDF